A librarian at the New Bedford Free Public Library, Shirley Bernice Cohen (1924-2000) dedicated her life to helping her community through charity work with the New Bedford Junior Hadassah
Bertha Alpert Cohen (1898-1974), also known as Mrs. A. J. Cohen, or Bessie Alpert, was a lifetime resident of New Bedford and member of Tifereth Israel Synagogue.
A longtime member of the Sisterhood of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, Sylvia (Levy) Finger (1895-1982) worked hard to keep the Jewish community flourishing by building on Jewish rituals, values and customs.
As first chair of the Holocaust Education and Memorial Committee of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Bedford, Mary Schwartz (1920-2015) led efforts that created the Holocaust Monument at Buttonwood Park in New Bedford in 1998.